Amanda will hold the membership portfolio on the CNSSNZ committee. She has a short bio below
Area of Specialisation: Infectious Diseases – HIV
Location: Waikato Hospital, Waikato District Health Board
Qualifications: Comprehensive Registered Nurse, Waikato Polytechnic; Post graduate Certificate in Nursing, University of Auckland; Post graduate nursing diploma in Nursing, University of Auckland
I qualified as a registered nurse 26 years ago and predominately worked in the Haematology/Oncology setting. I have been in a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) role for the Waikato District Health Board for nearly six years. Initially as a Heamatology Clinical Nurse Specialist’s for five years, then in September 2021 I had a complete change of speciality and I am now the HIV CNS, working in the Infectious Disease team at Waikato Hospital.
I look forward to representing Clinical Nurse Specialists nationwide.