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9-10 November 2023
Copthorne Hotel Oriental Bay, Wellington

Invited Speakers
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Catherine Soana Latailakepa Tu’akalau NP

Specializing in child health, primary care Nurse practitioner

Pasifika Health Service, Pacific Health Plus

Catherine, from Luatuanu’u in Samoa and Ma’ufanga and ‘Ofu in Tonga, is also Wellington’s first Pasifika nurse practitioner. She is one of only eight Pacific nurse practitioners in New Zealand.

Catherine completed her Certificate in Health Science, Conjoint degree in Bachelor of Health Science and Nursing at the University of Auckland and went on to completing her postgraduate certificate and diploma in Nursing at Massey University. In 2021 Catherine did her training on the Children’s ward at the Hutt Hospital. Having worked in secondary care, she has seen the repetitive cycle of Pacific and Maori children being admitted to hospital for preventable illnesses such as Pneumonia, Bronchiolitis and Viral Induced Wheeze. Catherine has witnessed the social and financial burden this has on pacific families when their children are admitted into hospital. Now she has moved into primary care and is sharing her expertise and skills across two pacific health providers, working part time at Pacific Health Plus and Pacific Health Service Hutt Valley.  She completed her Nurse Practitioner training in completing a master’s in nursing in 2021.

In 2020, Catherine was deployed to Samoa under the Pasifika Medical Association to assist in the measles pandemic. She joined a team of 14 members that included mental health and clinical registered nurses, doctors, psychologist, and social workers.


Since she has become a Nurse Practitioner, In 2022, Catherine presented at the Nurse Practitioner international conference that was held in Dublin, Ireland. Her presentation explored pacific health models in the context of developing community-based initiatives and the need for cultural competency to be the forefront of our health workforce to provide quality care.

Catherine sits on the ICN/APN/NP committee and is co-chair. She attended the ICN conference in Montreal, Canada in July this year to present their bid to host the next ICN/APN/NP conference here in Wellington in 2026.

She has a firm stance on upskilling our current nursing workforce and ensuring equitable and sustainable pathways are easy to navigate. She believes transitioning into primary care can assist in bridging the gap between Primary and secondary care. In addition, working alongside our community health teams, church leaders to establish health initiatives to prevent ambulatory service hospital rates thus reduce health inequities to improve pacific health outcomes.

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Kathy Holloway - Director of Nursing, Victoria University

Director of the School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Practice, Victoria University

Associate Professor Kathy Holloway is the Director of the School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Practice at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington. She has held multiple senior nursing leadership roles over the last two decades and is the current tau iwi co-chair of the National Nursing Leadership group. This is the peak nursing body in New Zealand representing senior leaders from across the nursing sectors of policy, regulation, employment, professional bodies and education working to progress their commitment to equity through the development of a sustainable nursing workforce. Kathy served as a Board member for the College of Nurses for eight years and is a current College Fellow. She also served as a ministerial appointment on the Nursing Council  of New Zealand for seven years. A registered nurse originally educated at Wellington Polytechnic, Kathy worked as a specialist nurse overseas and completed her doctorate in 2011 at University of Technology Sydney. Through her research and national leadership roles Kathy is involved in clarifying the potential of nursing expertise to improve the patient experience and inform workforce planning models.

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Anne Daniels - President NZ Nurses Organisation

President, NZNO

Tēnā koutou katoa.

Ki Opotiki te whenua tupu

Ko Ōtepoti te Kainga

Kei NZNO ahau e mahi ana

Ko Anne Daniels tōku ingoa

Tēnā koutou katou.

Anne Daniels is the elected President of the Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa – New Zealand Nurses Organisation representing 57,000 members (nurses, midwives, kaimahi hauora and tauria). The leadership role is one of partnership, with shared oversight responsibilities, with Kerri Nuku Kaiwhakahaere.

Anne is a Registered Nurse with clinical experience in acute medical and coronary care unit, practice nursing, nurse education, and leadership positions as a Clinical Charge Nurse in Outpatients and Emergency Nursing, where she still works today as an expert nurse.

Early in her nursing journey Anne’s strong sense of justice led her to become an NZNO delegate, leading nurses through strikes, restructuring, campaigns to rebuild hospitals and safe staffing. Throughout this time, Anne also successfully completed her Masters in Health Science (Hons) in 2005 which focused on why nurses were leaving the profession.

Supporting nurses (midwives/health care assistants), to take up nursing as a career and stay nursing in New Zealand, has been a lifelong commitment for Anne in collaboration with NZNO in its many facets. In recent years, health and safety has become a strong focus for Anne as chronic nurse and midwife shortages have resulted in unsustainable workloads and unsafe work environments.

Seeing and experiencing the incredible difference nurses make to the lives of the people they care for and the people nurses work with, despite all the challenges, has engendered an enduring respect for nurses in our communities. Ensuring that nurses who provide the care, and those who receive it, are safe and appropriately resourced, is a major focus for all NZNO members as this strategy will improve recruitment and retention going forward.


Maira Patu 

General Practitioner, Clinical Senior Lecturer Universirty of Otago

Maira is a General Practitioner who is based at the Linwood Medical Centre. Maira was part of the Nga Kete Matauranga team who established the first VLCA General Practice in Invercargill and has spent time practicing in South Canterbury and South Auckland.

Maira is involved in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of the Hauora Māori curriculum at UOC. Maira is a member of the Hauora Māori Curriculum Sub-committee of the MBChB Curriculum Committee. Maira also contributes to the MIHI post-graduate short courses that support the professional development of health professionals in the Hui Process and Meihana Model.

Maira has a focus on developing curriculum which utilises simulation and draws on local Māori patient experiences in the health system to support transformative practice.

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Morgan Spittal - Holistic Health Coach

Registered Nurse, Holistic Health Coach

I'm from sunny Nelson, and my nursing career has taken me throughout Te Waipounamu. I love spending time with my friends, family and my golden retriever Alfie. I have completed further education in Lifestyle Medicine through the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, and as a Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. My current role is in primary care providing free behavioural health consultations as a health improvement practitioner (HIP). I also have my own private practice as a health coach focusing on lifestyle medicine.

I'm excited to be presenting on 'Practitioner Self-Care'. Where I'll use the lifestyle medicine pillars (nutrition, movement, stress management, relationships and sleep) within a self-care context. I'll be sharing evidence-based, simple, realistic and achievable ways to add more work/life balance and wellness to your life.

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Jane Hinds - Psychotherapist/Counsellor/RN - Grief Therapy

Registered Nurse, Psychotherapist/Counsellor Grief Therapy

My name is Jane Hinds and I have been Registered Nurse for over 50 years. I am practicing in a small General Practice, running their Careplus Clinic which primarily promotes Health and Well-being Education. I also have a Master’s Degree (Hons) in Psychotherapy with a private practice. I have a Post Graduate Diploma in Supervision and a Certificate in Tertiary Teaching. This year I have registered as a Havening Practitioner, working with Trauma and PTSD. My main speciality has been Grief. I have facilitated numerous Grief workshops for small groups and run presentations for Rest Homes, Companies and a variety of other people groups.
For this conference I will be presenting an overview on Grief, mainly exploring and discussing Disenfranchised Grief. The hidden Grief that many often do not recognise, minimise, deny or bury..

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Shauna Stephens - Rural Nurse Specialist

Rural Nurse Specialist - Stewart Island Nursing Officer, Ministry of Health

Shawna has a passion for adventure in wild and untamed places, so her medical skills as a US trained BSN-RN and EMT have morphed across landscapes from Mongolia, Colorado, Alaska, Tierra Del Fuego, the Caribbean and now find her in the deep south.

Shawna has enjoyed many seasons in outdoor pursuits as a Rocky Mountain ski patrol instructor, a search and rescue member/instructor, a class IV oarswoman and as a swift water rescue technician. She completed her Fellowship in the Academy of Wilderness Medicine in 2021 and is quickly approaching the terminus of her Nurse Practitioner training here in NZ. She hopes to continue her pursuit of knowledge such that she might deliver the full spectrum of healthcare in austere and remote locations. 

Shawna isn’t sure why we’ve invited her to speak, though she’s aware that she may hold the title of southernmost CNS in NZ; she is thus attending with the assumption that she will receive some small but shiny trophy.

Shawna is commencing her 5th year working as a lone clinician on NZ’s 3rd island, Rakiura/Stewart Island, where she attempts a dizzying array of hat donning/doffing. The island CNS role is staffed 24/7 and 365 days a year by Te Whatu Ora. There are no doctors, radiologists, fellow nurses, techs, paramedics, students, or back-up coming for at least 90 minutes (weather permitting). She works 6–10-day long shifts and supported by extensive standing orders, runs the walk-in clinic during the day. Nightfall sees her shackled to sobriety, the pager, cell phone, ambulance, and St John CPGs for overnight emergencies.…. She thinks it is the most rewarding nursing position in all of Aotearoa, perhaps even on the planet, so her talk will reflect on all the pros and a few cons of working in remote regions. She doesn’t boast any great skills, so her talk might be quite mundane- we do recommend bringing along some discreet reading material!


Zoe Anderson - Howell - Rn/Professional Supervisor

Nurse Consultant

Waikato based nurse and professional supervisor Zoe, is of Ngāpuhi, with English and Scottish heritage. Throughout her nursing career, Zoe has worked within NGOs, public and private sectors, with a focus on oncology, hospice, paediatric palliative care and recently occupational health. Underpinning this nursing journey has been a love affair with reflective practice, how this continually informs and shapes her ability to tune into and nurture her most authentic engaged practice.

In today’s kōrero, Zoe will speak to, ‘What is professional supervision, the models utilised to support this process, and how supervision supports professional growth’. Zoe will share her personal experience as a supervisee, and the value supervision has afforded her professionally and personally.

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Dr Liz Manning

Nurse consultant/ Kaiwhakahaere nēhi, Kynance Consulting Ltd

Liz has been a self-employed nurse consultant for over 12 years, focusing on professional advice and policy.

Before this, she was a Future Workforce project manager at DHBNZ, which followed many years at Waitemata DHB culminating in an Associate Director of Nursing role.

In 2006, Liz completed a Master of Philosophy, focusing on work-role transition into leadership roles.

She completed her PhD in 2022, focusing on the impact of liminality and gender on nursing, in particular nurses with a specialisation.

Liz has worked with many national nursing groups and organisations over the years, too many to mention. She is currently working on a national Te Whatu Ora project, is the Strategic Projects Manager for the College of Nurses Aotearoa and is Executive Advisor to the Nurse Executives Aotearoa. She also provides nursing supervision, mentorship and coaching for leadership.

Liz’s passion is to raise the profile, voice and value of nursing and nurse leaders.

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